集結各式主題採專案方式進行實務演練,根據不同情境提供大量探討與互動 Extensive use of group and individual project work together with other activities providing students with meaningful interaction within a wide range of situations.
透過各單元主題中實境影音錄影的訓練方式,有效提昇學員發表想法的語言能力與信心 Audio and video-recording of relevant course work to improve confidence and effectiveness in public speaking.
運用各種媒體的豐富資源、取材國內外國際時事熱門議題,進行每週主題討論,確保課程中提供廣泛的主題、闡述個人見解與交換不同角度意見的實務演練機會 Weekly topical discussions focusing on current domestic and international affairs using authentic media sources suggested by course participants to ensure a broad range of topics and lively debate.
根據多元化的最新時事議題進行每週實務討論 Weekly discussions:Based on current news items
取材自英文報章雜誌相關報導,提昇閱讀理解分析能力、以及進階的撰寫能力 Printed Media:Newspapers and Magazines
取材自英文廣播影音媒體等素材,訓練聽力敏銳度、並訓練更高階的英文表達技巧 Broadcast Media:Radio, Television and Film
取材自英文網路社群媒體資訊,達成可迅速處理資訊、重整為個人觀點、進而可精準論述的高階英文能力 Internet-based Media:Websites, Podcasts, YouTube and Social platforms etc.
取材自英文廣告、商務網站與行銷方式等各式媒體工具,以廣泛的議題激發學員探討媒體如何被運用的極限,提昇學員篩選過濾資訊、研究思考與組織表達的高階英文溝通技巧 Media as a Business Tool:Advertising and Marketing