依據英國劍橋大學 ESOL ( 劍橋英語認證 ) 所授權之正版雅思測驗教材進行專業訓練 Authentic practice material authorized by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, the makers of the IELTS™.
針對測驗的四個項目給予有系統性的教學,協助學員完成充分的準備 A systematic approach to the four parts of the exam ensures clients are fully prepared.
目標著重於具備高分通過雅思測驗所不可或缺的語言技巧 Focus on the main language areas that are essential for success in the exam.
每次模擬測驗後,均提供詳盡建議與個別指導 Targeted advice, tips and guidance on exam taking tactics.