

Punctuation-Parentheses (brackets) and Hyphen




Parentheses, or brackets as they are more commonly referred to, should be used sparingly for extra, non-essential material that is included in a sentence. They are always used in pairs and can be used to set apart from the rest of the sentence things such as: dates, sources, or ideas that are loosely connected to the rest of the sentence. For example: As soon as I arrived in Tokyo, I got lost (a common occurrence when I am travelling) and had to ask for directions to my hotel.


Standard (curved) brackets are the most common, and are what you should use, if necessary, in your writing; but the overuse of brackets should be avoided as many people equate this with laziness, or an inability to incorporate extra detail / information into “normal” prose.
Other forms such as square [ ] and curly { } are used for situations when you need to “bracket” something within a piece of text that is already in brackets. These are best left well alone unless you know exactly what you are doing, and the situation is totally unavoidable.

THE HYPHEN ( - ) 連字號



  • Use a hyphen to join two or more words serving as a single adjective (compound adjective) before a noun. For example: Honey-coated flakes of corn.
  • Do not use a hyphen when the noun comes first. For example:The flakes of corn are honey-coated.
  • Use a hyphen with compound numbers. For example: ninety-nine.


It is also best to use a hyphen to avoid confusion in a sentence. For example: If I said my sister owns “a small appliance store”, it is impossible to tell exactly what it is. This is where a hyphen helps. She actually owns a small-appliance store (i.e. a shop selling small appliances) and not a small shop selling appliances.


Use a hyphen with the prefixes ex- (meaning former), self-, all-; with the suffix -elect; between a prefix and a capitalized word; and with figures or letters. For example: ex-husband, self-possessed, mid-October, all-inclusive, president-elect, anti-American, T-shirt, pre-Middle Ages, mid-1990s.
And finally, remember that punctuation style is very subjective, so be guided (but not constrained) by what has been accepted before, and be sure to follow any editorial rules.